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Get Your Hands On The


Therapists Client Log Book


While searching for a therapists logbook to keep track of client and supervision sessions I found it difficult to source one that suited my needs, hence I created my own.


  • Log details of 100 client sessions

  • Keep track of the client hours

  • Keep track of supervision hours


All in one logbook


The standard version allocates one page for each client session.

The XL version has two pages for each client session to accommodate therapists

who prefer to write more detailed notes.


Scroll down to take a more detailed look inside

Therapists Client Log Book

is available now!

Therapists XL Client Log Book

is available now!

Plenty of space has been provided to log the required amount of supervision sessions for 100 clients.


Columns have also been included to allow your supervisor to verify each session, as required by colleges & accrediting bodies.


Ensure each supervisor is accredited and log all relevant accreditation details.

Keep track of over 125 client hours

the extra hours are to allow for cancellations etc.


Log the following information


  • Client ID

  • Session Date

  • Client Session Number

  • Client Attendance

  • Date of next session

  • Session format


  • Total session count to date


100+ pages to take detailed notes of each client session


Keep track of each session with four primary sections:


  • Identify the Session:

Client ID, Session Date and Session No.


  • Session Notes:

Log any significant details that came up in the session


  • Client Notes:

What did the client bring, how are they developing and are there any ethical or legal details to log?


  • Personal Impact:

What was happening for you in this session, this is a good section to reflect on as it can support your personal and professional development by bringing it to therapy or supervision.

Therapists XL Client Log Book


allocates two pages for each client session with the extra page for additional notes.


Perfect for therapists who prefer to take more detailed notes


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